Monday, June 23, 2008

Configuring Spring for your Web App

Configuring Spring is pretty easy.

Add a listener:-


The ContextLoaderListener implements ServletContextListener.

You can also configure the xml which Spring should read:-

The following param-value should be used instead if we ever want to search for context files anywhere in the classpath

Hope it helps,

Configuring struts for your Web Application

Configuring struts in your web application is pretty simple. You have to add a filter in you web.xml file:-


And then provide appropriate mapping, like:-


So, now every url will be passed through the struts filter.

Hope you find it useful.

Strtus, Spring and Hibernate

Now-a-days web applications are heavily using Struts, Spring and Hibernate for developing web apps.

Struts provide a MVC-based Action Framework for developing Web Applications.

Spring provides dependency injection and thereby can be used for managing the beans in your application.

Hibernate provides a simple yet very effective ORM tool. It simplifies most of the database related stuff and the developer has to only bother about business logic.
